5th Ranger Battalion
Easy Company
Basic Rifleman Uniform Requirements
Listed below is the basic uniform items needed for reenacting with the Rangers. For more in depth detail on what the Rangers wore and used during World War II please consult our Reference section listed above! We also include suggested retailers they we have found to provide quality and accuraccy however your buying options are not limited to those options.
Field Jacket OD M1941
Wool Shirts M1937/M1941
Wool Pants M1937
Trouser Belt Open Face Buckle M1937 (Enlisted)
Boots, Jumper, Parachute
Cap, Garrison, (OD, light blue piping)
Tags, Identification (Dog Tags)
M1941 Field Jacket
This is the most common field jacket used by 5th Rangers. It the predominant jacket used from the inception of the Rangers until the end of the war. It was short and lightweight and often faded into a conspicuous light color. There are Photos of Rangers wearing the jacket inside out in an effort to better camouflage themselves.
OD Wool Shirt
Most Photos of the Rangers show them wearing the simplified OD shirt with the non structured color, gas flap and plain front. Rangers primarily did not wear their ODs on D-Day but switched to them when their Bed rolls caught up with them. Most Officers are pictured wearing the Enlisted OD uniform in combat.
M1937 Wool Trousers w/ Belt
Standard issue wool pants worn in combat and in the garrison life. Rangers wore OD wool uniforms once their Bedrolls were delivered to them once supplies were brought up to the front. Both Officers and Enlisted men are seen wearing the open faced Belt buckle. It was not uncommon for Officers to wear enlisted uniforms in the field.
Jump Boots, Paratrooper
Prior to DDay Rangers were issued jump boots to keep the surf and sand out of their boots. Many Rangers opted to wear low quarter boots and leggings on the beach landing but then switched to their jump boots once they were inland. Afterwards Rangers predominately wore jump boots from the Normandy Campaign through the Occupation. Often times it created tensions between Paratrooper and Rangers.
Cap, Garrison (with Light Blue Pipping)
Standard issue cap issued to be worn with the OD wool uniform. It was to be worn at all times when outside and taken off when inside unless you were armed. The light blue pipping on the edges denotes an Infantryman. Many Rangers sewed a cut down ranger diamond to the left side of their caps.
Optional Uniform Items
Listed below are optional uniform items that Rangers used during the second world war. For more in depth detail on what the Rangers wore and used during World War II please consult our Reference section listed above! We also include suggested retailers they we have found to provide quality and accuraccy however your buying options are not limited to those options.
M1944 Ike Jacket
The iconic Ranger dress jacket In Europe. Issued to Rangers near the end of the war, many of the Unit pictures show them sporting Ike Jackets. Many pictures show them without collar brass (which is still somewhat of a mystery) and not wearing ties. It appears the Officers wore the enlisted IKE jacket as well as it seems it was the only thing available to them while they were on rest behind the lines.
Tanker Jacket/Bibs
The much sought after tanker jacket was a thicker and warmer alternative to the M41 field jacket. During the Normandy campaign mostly only officers had tanker clothing. By Feb of 1945 the 5th Ranger Battalion had been issued complete tanker uniforms complete with wool lined overalls.
HBT Dark Shade Fatiques
The HBT Fatigue Uniform was worn by the Rangers in numerous campaigns. For the D-Day invasion, and the days immediately following, Rangers wore gas impregnated fatigue HBTs which were hot and uncomfortable due to the impregnation. These were quickly ditched once they got resupplied. Later in the war some Ranger would wear them in the warmer months.